Based on these features, there are mainly 2 groups of architechtures to build a recommendation system: content-based and collaborative filtering. In this post, I mainly focus on talking about these two approaches.
Main idea: focus on item properties, recommend items to customer x, which is similar to previous items rated highly by x
Example: recommend movies with same actors
Item Profile In content-based system, an item profile must be created for each item, recording important properties of that item. For text content, we can use TF-IDF to calculate scores for the document to create doc profile, and pick the words with highest scores as important features. wj = (w1j,…,wij,…,wkj)
For images, one way is to let the users making tags for each pictures. However, users may not be willing to do this, as it is very troublesome.
User Profile It is used for describing the users’ preferences. It can be created into 2 ways.
weighted average of rated item profiles
variations: weight by difference from average rating for item. Given user profile wx, item profile wj: rxj = cos(wx, wj) = wxwj / ||wx||.||wj||
Table. Pros & Cons for Content-base System
no need for data on other users
hard to choose proper features
able to recommend to users with unique tastes
hard to create user profile for new users
able to recommend new unpopular items
never recommends items beyond user’s content profile
can provide explanations (item features)
unable to exploit quality judgements of other users
Collaborative filtering
Main idea: focus on harnessing quality judgements of other users, it includes 2 process, finding users having similar tastes, and recommending what the similar users like.
Find Similar Users: rx: the vector of user x’s ratings
Jaccard distance: ignore ratings, only focus on which items have been rated,
Cosine distance: problem: it will tread missing ratings as negative. Sim(x,y) = cos(rx, ry) = rxry||rx||.||ry||
Intuitively, we want sim(A,B) > sim(A,C). Because both A,B have a high rating for HP1, and A,C have two polar ratings for TW and SW1. However, by using Jaccard distance, it returns the values showing C is more close to A, rather than B. This tells us that Jaccard is less suitable for the case with detailed ratings. Instead, it only cares if the item has been rated. Cosine distance is kind of better than Jaccard. But it still can’t significantly tell the difference between (A,B) and (A,C). This may be caused by the ‘negative’ missing ratings. Finally, by normalizing ratings with average scores, Pearson coefficient has remarkably tells these two groups apart.
User-User Collaborative Filtering: For user u, find similar users, estimate rating for item i based on ratings from similar users
Item-Item Collaborative Filtering: For item i, find other similar items, estimate rating for i based on similar items. Sij denotes similarity between item i and j, rxj denotes ratings of user x on item j, N(i;x) represents set of items rated by user x, similar to item i
Neighbor selection: Identify movies similar to movie 1, rated by user 5, I choose movie 3 and 6; Substract mean rating mi from each movie i: m1 = (1+3+5+5+4)/3.6, row1:[-2.6, 0, -0.6, 0, 0, 1.4, 0, 0, 1.4, 0, 0.4, 0]; compute cosine similarities among rows: sim(1,m) = [1, -0.81, 0.41, -0.1, -0.31, 0.59]; Prediction: r1,5 = (0.41*2+0.59*3)/ (0.41+0.59) = 2.6
Tips: In practice, it has been observed that item-item CF often works better than user-user. This is because items are simpler, users may have multiple tastes.
Table. Pros & Cons for Collaborative Filtering System
works for any kind of item, no feature selection needed
need enough users in the system for matching
the matrix is sparse, hard to find users that have rated the same items
can’t recommed items that haven’t been rated before
can’t recommend items to users with unique taste, meaning it tends to recommend popular items
For the past 4 months, I have been working on cardiovascular disease risk prediction. Through this, I come up with an idea to utilize GAN to learn in a progressive way and decide to write a paper on this topic(Sry, I can’t talk much about my idea in details). Then, I began doing background research and found three related topic. In this post, I will give summarizations of these topic.
NLP algorithms are designed to learn from language, which is usually unstructured with arbitrary length. Even worse, different language families follow different rules. Applying different sentense segmentation methods may cause ambiguity. So it is necessary to transform these information into appropriate and computer-readable representation. To enable such transformation, multiple tokenization and embedding strategies have been invented. This post is mainly for giving a brief summary of these terms. (For readers, I assume you have already known some basic concepts, like tokenization, n-gram etc. I will mainly talk about word embedding methods in this blog)
Recently, I have been working on NER projects. As a greener, I have spent a lot of time in doing research of current NER methods, and made a summarization. In this post, I will list my summaries(NER in DL), hope this could be helpful for the readers who are interested and also new in this area. Before reading, I assume you already know some basic concepts(e.g. sequential neural network, POS,IOB tagging, word embedding, conditional random field).
This post is for explaining some basic statistical concepts used in disease morbidity risk prediction. As being a CS student, I have found a hard time figuring out these statistical concepts, hope my summary would be helpful for you.
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